Friday, August 18, 2006

The Other Side of the World

Sorry for being so late with the weekly report of what happened on Tuesday.

It was a nice break to be running on Hine Drive and see others taking advantage of the surrounding and the gorgeous weather.

Now the crappy part! Where the hell did all of that damn traffic come from? OMD! We spent close to 30 minutes on Six Mile Road parked between traffic lights.

Fortunately a lot more people were caught in the same crap, so we didn’t get left behind for the run.

We had the pleasure of running with the Northville Roadrunners, since we were in their neighborhood. Brad Behrman set that up, way to go Brad.

I had forgotten that there were hills on Hines Drive and it showed in my performance. Why don’t I train more on hills?

There were also a few brave should that ran on the cross-country path. I think it was more like a challenge that the males of the club had to take. So not to be outdone, I embarked on the path, only to roll my ankle twenty yards into it. This is further proof that I’m a true urban-dweller.

Back at the Deadwood it was food and beer. Kudos to the wait-staff, they did a great job in keeping up with the orders and ensuring that I always had a beer.

It was a longgggg ride home but well worth it…

Don’t forget, we’re picnicking in Grosse Pointe next Tuesday…..

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Speed Kills

Where is all of this speed coming from and where can I purchase some? We had a few of our member take on the hills of Hell this pass weekend. I personally would have loved to be there but I needed to run more than 10 miles (lucky me).
I understand that the number of participates is up and the course is still as challenging as ever. The one thing that was in the runners favor was the temperature. I have run this race in 90º sunny days and it is not fun. Okay, I’m not sure what the strategy was for each runner but I know that you can’t run even splits on this course, so I’ll wait on the stories but here are the results:

Matt Sikora – 59:58 (1st in age group)
Katie Singer – 1:10:56 (1st in age group)
Lance Lange – 1:12:07
Mark Shehan – 1:07:50
Kathy Moss – 1:22:14
Sara Figueroa – 1:31:11
Dave Scarlin – 1:24:35
I’ll have to really look into getting those racing singlets now!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Volleyball Tuesday

I was really impressed with the athletic abilities of the DTRW group. Since we were outside enjoying the weather, a few of the DTRW decided to challenge a group of college students in a game of volleyball. It wasn’t long before sand and sweat were everywhere. I’m just glad that everyone came away from the game without any injuries. Let’s just say that the Olympic volleyball team doesn’t have to worry about us, although we did win a game.
It was nice to see our Canadian contingency once again out there running/walking in the streets of Detroit. We may have to put more Canadian places on the schedule if this keeps up.
A big welcome goes out to Charisse Stewart on coming out and joining in on the fun. Thanks to Sandy Freund for run/walking with Charisse when she got just a little tired.If you plan on attending the summer picnic you can give your $7 to Karin Abel whenever you see her. This will make for less confusion at the picnic.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Meeting of the Minds

In what had to be the hottest day of the year, a few brave souls decided to run from Vivio’s. I could not for the life of me understand why they were doing it, but I could hold eight people at once and not spill my beer.
Fortunately someone was smart enough to put water on the course, but it was still too hot to be running fast.
Once inside the cool confides of Vivio’s we held our seasonal planning meeting. This meeting has been known to get out of hand and lack in structure. The one issue that we’ve been having is trying to get new places on our list. No one is taking it upon himself or herself to go out and find really good places for us to meet at on Tuesdays. So we are continually going back to the same place, which is becoming a problem also.
The one places that really got my attention for us to run/walk from was Sala Thai. Now this will be a lot different than the normal bar/restaurants that we go from, but it’s worth a try.