Thursday, August 09, 2007

Hot and Spicy

Talk about doing something stupid, well it was so hot and humid last night that running/walking should have been the last thing on any sane person’s mind! It was so hot that even the rain was warm. But did that stop us from doing our thang?
Running from Vivio’s was a blessing in the fact that Elmwood cemetery was a good water station for everyone. In fact it was so good of a spot that several DTRW were seen lounging under trees enjoying adult beverages while others were sweating to the oldies.
Did you know that Jeannie and Jerry Bocci volunteered to be judges for the 2007 AAU Junior Olympic Games in Knoxville, Tennessee? They spent ten days of their own time to help out this worthy cause, congrats to you both.
I received this next bit of information from Becka Clifton: Not sure how many of you are aware of this great organization helping keep our City streets clean. If you see them out there working, thank them for the hard work to make our City great! .Clean Downtown is an innovative new partnership created to maintain the downtown Detroit environment to the new standard set by SuperBowl XL. The project puts uniformed cleanup crews on downtown streets seven days a week to sweep and power-wash sidewalks, clear trash and remove graffiti, and assist with other beautification projects. This unique and privately-funded program is staffed by workers from Goodwill Industries of Greater Detroit who are bringing pride and enthusiasm to their new jobs of keeping downtown Detroit looking its best.
If you were unable to attend the run/walk from Vivio’s you missed an entertaining slideshow of the Great Lakes Relay. I almost felt like I was there! Thanks to Mark Shehan and his crew for such an entertaining show. If any one else would like to bring pictures form their vacations, Kid’s birthday parties or even old Christmas photos fell free!
Our shoe/T-shirt collection program is still going strong. I know that a few of you have shoes to donate. Just bring the slightly used (washed) shoe/T-shirts to any Tuesday run/walk.
If you haven’t signed up for the summer picnic on August 21st, please do so. We would like to have a good idea of how much stuff to purchase for the picnic. Just drop a note to Karin Abel at or myself to say you’re attending. Remember the cost for attending is $7.00, which is well worth the price.


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