Friday, July 06, 2007

Atwater Once Again

Well for an impromptu venue, the Atwater did leave something to be desired! As some of you long-time DTRWers know, we’ve tried to give the restaurants in that area out business for quite some time. However, this time we knew what to expect in terms of service! Although there was a minimum of staff in the entire place to serve our huge group, the minimal price on drinks made up for the lengthy wait in some cases!
The route that Tom Gromak laid out was a hit to everyone. There was a stretch on Atwater that still needs improvements but once you get to the new Riverwalk you forget about it. Some of the over-achievers in the group even continued on the Riverwalk towards Belle Isle for a little more mileage.
I want to send out a DTRW ‘We’re sorry’ to Ellie. Ellie was making her first appearance with the group and things didn’t go very well for her. Ellie twisted her ankle on Atwater, even before we got to the river and wasn’t able to run as well as normal. Then upon returning to the Atwater she was part of a small fender bender.
A big welcome back to the group for some of the members that have been away for quite some time, you know who you are. Did you notice those Great Lakes Relay people off the side and wanting to be alone? We’ll hear some stories from them in a few weeks.
Okay, time for roll call:

1. Janet Howard-Hunnius
2. John Hunnius
3. Karen Duncanson
4. Georgia Brooks
5. Chris Brooks
6. Bart Cavasin
7. Eileen Farrell
8. Mary Urban
9. Sue Smith
10. Lyn Diemer
11. Kathy Brennan
12. Susanna Brennan
13. Amelia Letvin
14. Tom Artushin
15. Nate Goebel
16. Libbie Rutherford
17. Chris Rutherford
18. Jim ‘Papa’ Vigeant
19. Jim Fitch Sr.
20. Jim Fitch Jr.
21. Erin Graham
22. Ron Thielman
23. Nate Van Noord
24. Jonathan
25. Tom Gromak
26. Serena Williams
27. Tina Erlandson
28. Jim Erlandson
29. Sean Paraventi
30. Richard Shackelford
31. Cathy Dean
32. Rick Robinson
33. Nick Sousanis
34. Brian Jackson
35. Jean Andruski
36. Karin Abel
37. Renee Greisbeck
38. Dale Monteith
39. Shirley Monteith
40. Ken Davenport
41. Sandy Freund
42. Katie Singer
43. Mark Shehan
44. Lance Lange
45. Marlene Dysert
46. Dave Dysert
47. Mary Berry
48. Ralph Judd
49. Matt Sikora
50. Ellie
51. Karen from Canada

I’m sure that I missed a few people that I didn’t get their names.


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