Okay it’s been a while since we sent out an email about Downtown Runner/Walkers activities, that’s because we didn’t have any!
Let’s wish the ‘Underwear Gnomes’ success as they represent the DTRW at the great Lakes Relay this upcoming weekend. It should be really hot this weekend, so let’s hope that they take a lot of liquid refreshments with them.
I just received this note from Brad Behrman: Had a bad bicycle accident on Hines Drive on Sunday. The guy I was drafting behind on my Wolverine ride suddenly went down and I had nowhere to go, so I flipped the bike and broke 7 ribs and a collarbone, and also partially collapsed a lung and wrecked the bike. Let’s hope Brad gets well soon.
If you haven’t been out to a Tuesday run/walk in quite a while, well the runs are becoming mini-races. Where are the days of having a nice group run and a few adult beverages afterwards?
It’s that time of year when we need all of you to come out and participate in the Fall/Winter Scheduling Meeting. That’s right, if you have a local place that your really like and would like to see us run/walk from, come on down. If there’s a place (Mitch’s) you want removed from the schedule, come on down! I’ll send out more information, as it gets closer.
On July 25th, we’ll be at the Rouge Park Bar, located at the corner of W. Warren Ave. and Outer Drive in Dearborn Heights. We’ll have two routes for running/walking. If you enjoy a rustic neighborhood bar, this is the place for you. I understand they‘ll have a designated smoke-free chair available for us. Reply back to let me know if you received this email.