Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Rouge Surprise

Well, was it just me or was anyone else pleasantly surprised at the Rouge Park Lounge?

I like that they changed the name from ‘bar’ to ‘lounge’, it gives it a little more class. The beer selection and prices are still enough to get the locals to come in and smoke a pack of cigarettes. We actually took up most of the chairs, so it was our lounge for the night.

Ralph did a great job on the course and that would be enough to make a return visit to the Rouge.

I didn’t want to push my luck, so I declined anything from the kitchen. We’re still waiting to hear if anyone that ate contracted anything. Just kidding.

It was a good time and most of the west-siders showed up.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Ann Arbor Art Fair and Pool Party Hash

Subject: aaaf and pp hash

Event: Ann Arbor art fair and pool party hash

Hares: FN Liar and KY King

Date: Saturday, July 22, 2006
Time: 11:00 start, noon beer check, 2:00 pool party.

Location: 124 W Summit street, Ann Arbor, Mi. 48103 734-945-3186 or for details

Details: It's a wanker's hash. Slow motion 1/2 mile to the Art Fair, leaving at 11:00 AM. Go earlier to check out the art or travel with the hash at 11 or so. Beer check from noon to one at The Arena on Washington St in the center of the action. Pool party to follow, sometime around 2:00. Go there directly if an art crowd annoys you or you choose to be a legitimate art shopper or god forbid, you want to go for a real run. Dress: remember---we are the art.

Bring: A dish to pass or a bag of chips if your cooking is a danger or unhealthy for others bring a folding chair and binky if you like.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Oh Canada, we really enjoy your beer! It was great going across the river and running along the river path in Windsor. I can actually say that the traffic both ways was almost non-existent. It was interesting that we made our trip to Rock Bottom at the same time last year, right after the Great Lakes Relay. Our team of runners finished fifteenth, out of thirty-seven teams in the mixed division. The stories are always interesting to hear, even if they are embellished a little! We were also graced with the presence of a few Canadian runners/walkers. I think they’re neighbors of Lynn. Rumor has it, that some individuals will push to have Rock Bottom on the schedule twice a year. We’ll have to see how that flies at the planning meeting. Speaking of which, don’t forget August 1st at Vivio’s in the Eastern Market after our run/walk. Not to say it was really super hot last night but Dave Dysert was manning a water station, so thanks for that Dave. Also a big thanks to our waitperson at Rock Bottom, she did an awesome job ensuring that our needs were met.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Underwear Gnomes

Okay it’s been a while since we sent out an email about Downtown Runner/Walkers activities, that’s because we didn’t have any!
Let’s wish the ‘Underwear Gnomes’ success as they represent the DTRW at the great Lakes Relay this upcoming weekend. It should be really hot this weekend, so let’s hope that they take a lot of liquid refreshments with them.
I just received this note from Brad Behrman: Had a bad bicycle accident on Hines Drive on Sunday. The guy I was drafting behind on my Wolverine ride suddenly went down and I had nowhere to go, so I flipped the bike and broke 7 ribs and a collarbone, and also partially collapsed a lung and wrecked the bike. Let’s hope Brad gets well soon.
If you haven’t been out to a Tuesday run/walk in quite a while, well the runs are becoming mini-races. Where are the days of having a nice group run and a few adult beverages afterwards?
It’s that time of year when we need all of you to come out and participate in the Fall/Winter Scheduling Meeting. That’s right, if you have a local place that your really like and would like to see us run/walk from, come on down. If there’s a place (Mitch’s) you want removed from the schedule, come on down! I’ll send out more information, as it gets closer.
On July 25th, we’ll be at the Rouge Park Bar, located at the corner of W. Warren Ave. and Outer Drive in Dearborn Heights. We’ll have two routes for running/walking. If you enjoy a rustic neighborhood bar, this is the place for you. I understand they‘ll have a designated smoke-free chair available for us. Reply back to let me know if you received this email.